After several weeks of debating, I gave in and purchased Shai's newest album, Attributes of God. I've had this album on repeat for the last two weeks and I'm ready to give a review of it.
As usual, the lyrics are what really drive Shai's music ministry. Shai takes on the many attributes of God, ranging from the obvious, like "loving" and "faithful", to some we might not think about too much, such as "jealous". Musically, in my opinion, this album is one of his best. In fact, it's probably my favorite album of his.
But getting back to the lyrics, what continues to amaze me about Shai is that he is able to pack so much solid theology into 5 minutes. Here is a breakdown of the album.
Track 1: The Perfection of Beauty
The first track starts off with a poetic monologue done by Shai's wife, Blair. It's a powerful indictment on how we've allowed sin and culture to skew our appreciation for the beauty of God's characteristics.
Track 2: The Glory of God (Not to us)
This song appropriately points away from us and to the greatness of God. Shai portrays God's glory from the Bible to creation. It's a great reminder that all the glory belongs to God.
Track 3: Taste and See
This is a proclamation of the goodness of God. Verse 2 has this great line:
Understand that God is good apart from anything He's done for me
Yet still His goodness has blessed me abundantly
I'll try to give a summary, beginning with His love for me
In sending Christ to die – yes – the blood of Jesus covers me
Track 4: Our God is in the Heavens
This song speaks of the sovereign power of God. "He does whatever He pleases" echoes throughout the chorus. Because He is perfect and good, everything He pleases to do is perfect and good, even if our puny minds can't comprehend it.
Track 5: The Holiness of God (reprise)
This is a snippet remix of a song Shai did before. It contains only several lyrics, but it is powerful stuff. The first couple minutes is purely instrumental.
Track 6: Mercy and Grace
This song is a wonderful reminder to not take mercy and grace for granted. Shai and Timothy Brindle go well together.
Track 7: Lord of Patience
This song reminds me of something Pastor John likes to point out: God patiently waited, over thousands of years of our ancestors, who mostly were idolators, patiently waited for us as we lived our lives in rebellion against God, and at the perfect time, He revealed His truth to us and rescued us. Mind-blowing.
Track 8: All-Consuming Fire
Shai starts the song off reminding us that God's wrath is a subject that is too often ignored.
Track 9: Perfect Love
The lyrics show the balance of God's perfect love, and yet hatred for sin. He asks the question that if God is loving how could there be eternal punishment. He answers it with the truth that God loves His glory. To add to that, He loves His glory, therefore He must remain true to His holy character and punish sin.
Track 10: Faithful God
Probably my favorite song on the album, and maybe of all of his songs. I could listen to this all day. My soul was especially moved as he talks about God's faithfulness despite our often unfaithfulness.
Track 11: Judge of All The Earth
Again, highlighting that our God will judge righteously.
Track 12: The Jealous One
My second favorite song. Shai paints a story of a man being cheated on by his wife. The imagery is so vivid, you can feel the hatred that man feels, and you get to the point where you start thinking to yourself, how can his wife be so unfaithful? And then Shai hits us with the second verse by telling it to us straight: we are all guilty of being adulterous idolators. Praise the Lord that in Christ there is no condemnation. Married people will appreciate this song especially.
Track 13: The Omnis
This song exalts the ALL-ness of God. That He is ALL-knowing, ALL-present, ALL-powerful. That's ALL.
Track 14: Self-Sufficiency
This one is by Timothy Brindle. What a humbling reminder that God is self-sufficient. He didn't need us. He didn't need to create us. This is all for His glory. I love this line about God creating the world from nothing:
That God made all things out of nothing!
Ex Nihilo!
How may tools did You use to create? Yup, it's zero bro!
Track 15: Triune Praise (remix)
This is a remix of his song off of the Atonement album, another great cd. This a much-needed song as we often forget to worship God the Spirit, even though He is fully God as well.
Overall, this is a great buy because the lyrics and music move the soul, inform the mind, and touch the heart with biblical truths that ought to grow your love for God, for who He is and all He does. If you're not a fan of hip hop, I'd say it's still worth to buy simply for the value of the lyrics.