Colossians 3:16

Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God - Colossians 3:16

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

My Favorite Bob Kauflin Articles

Motivating the Church to Worship God - This is a challenging article for me because I'm not really one to interject while leading praise, though I understand and appreciate the heart and purpose behind it.  I do see the great benefit of doing so, but at the same time, I want to be cautious so as not to distract.  Gotta find the balance.

Defining Worship - This is a four-parter, so be prepared to do some reading (actually, each part is not too long).  I am truly grateful for Mr. Kauflin's ministry and how God has used him to ignite a passion within me to make sure I understand with my mind what it is that I do as a praise leader, and having the truth of God work in my heart to produce true emotion and true love for the One who first loved (and continues to love) me.

What Does a Worship Leader Do - Ok, be warned: this is a 17-parter!  I would encourage anyone to read all 17, as they are very informative and instructive, and if you lead praise at your church, I would command you (if I had that sort of authority) to read and digest all 17 parts and really think about how to apply what you've read.  I know I'll be going back to read these again.

Entering the "Draw Me Close" Conversation - This is a great example of finding the balance. I appreciate how he doesn't outright dismiss the song, pointing some of its good qualities, but he doesn't hold back from the potential dangers and ambiguities of the song either.  It's also a good reminder that there isn't one song that perfectly embodies all of who God is and what He has done.  So instead of trying to find that perfect song, we should work to build praise sets made up of songs that work together to encourage the genuine worship of God.

You can follow Bob Kauflin's blog at  I've recommended it before, but I'll do it again:

Friday, June 8, 2012

What's Up With Contemporary Praise Songs?

A casual listen to contemporary praise songs can leave you thinking God is most interested in making you feel good, giving you a happy and fulfilling life, and commanding you to go and make a social change in this world.  Don't get me wrong: I'm not against those things, but biblically speaking, that is not what God is most passionate about.  You know what He is most passionate about?  His glory.  And that is sadly lacking in many, if not most, of the contemporary songs out there on the radio.  To make matters worse, many of these "Christian" songs filled with "Christianese" have become the most popular ones out there (Note: I don't want to mention specific names because I don't think that's necessary.  This post isn't to bash on anyone, but to lament the current state of affairs in Christian music).  But the reality is, these songs have become so self-centered, that even the ones that actually mention Jesus and/or God typically do it in a way that serves the to highlight the self.

So what's going on here?  Why aren't more people writing biblically-sound praise songs?  Sure, there are some that are doing it, and doing it well (The Gettys, Sovereign Grace, Enfield), but I rarely hear them playing on the radio.  Not that they are necessarily seeking that, but the more exposure their songs get, the more that the truth of the gospel is proclaimed.  But, the radio is playing what they think/know the listeners want to hear, so really the problem is with us.

Well, what's wrong with this, you may ask.  What's wrong?  Everything.  The focus has been flipped around.  These songs are foundationally incorrect.  You want to feel good?  Well, if you're talking about having the joy that only the fruit of the Spirit can bring through knowing and growing in Christ, then I'm on board.  You want your best life now?  Guess what: that's a life of humility and self-sacrifice and daily taking up your cross, not a comfortable lifestyle and mansions and fine dining that some would have you believe.  Sure, if you have those things that doesn't mean you're not a Christian.  But if that's all you're seeking, then chances are you probably aren't.  You want to make a social change in this world?  Feed the hungry, serve the poor?  That's great.  But please be sure that you proclaim the only message that can save people in the eternal sense because this life is temporary, but eternity is, well, eternal.

So this is a call for genuine believers to want to hear music that truly honors God.  Yes, we are free to enjoy all types of music (I love jazz and musicals and classic rock, for example), but when it comes to our praise songs, let's not settle for these watered-down, make-ME-feel-good music because you know what?  Our God is worthy of being praised for who He is and what He has done.  So let's call for more of Shai Linne, more Sovereign Grace, more Enfield, and whoever else out there who is putting out God-glorifying music.  And let's pray for more to be raised up.*

*I'm sure there are more artists out there who fall in this category, so please, if you know of any, let me know.  I would love to hear them.

Oh, and I should point out: this is easier said than done.  Writing good melodies and lyrics is pretty difficult.  But, this does not excuse the many that put out these shallow songs.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Gathering by Sovereign Grace Music

At the Shepherds' Conference this year there was a table just for Sovereign Grace Music.  I had most of the CDs there, so I was just looking to pick up some gifts for others, but the sister there pointed me to a couple of their newer CDs, including The Gathering, which is a live-recorded compilation of biblically-based songs that bring glory to our great God.  While I enjoyed listening to the entire CD, a few songs truly stand out.  Track 5, "Have Mercy On Me," is a sobering reminder of what I truly deserve as a sinner, and how wonderful this gift of salvation is.  Track 14, "Lift High The Cross," is an evangelistic anthem to proclaim the gospel loud and proud.  It made me think: if I have this precious gift, why do I keep it to myself?  Lastly, probably my favorite one off this album, is #3, "Come Praise And Glorify."  This is like "Come, Christians Join To Sing," but with more in-depth lyrics focused on Christ.  I highly recommend the CD, but if you want to preview the songs, check out the videos below.  If you have any recommendations for God-honoring, biblically-based praise music, please let me know.  Always looking for the good stuff.

    1. There is One Reason
                                                        2. Greater Than We Can Imagine
                                                           3. Come Praise And Glorify 
                                                                4. Shine Into Our Night
                                                                5. Have Mercy On Me
                                                                6. Now Why This Fear
                                                                        7. Isaiah 53
                                                                    8. Generous King
                                                                  9. When You Move
                                                               10. Your Words of Life
                                                                    11. Show us Christ
                                                                 12. All I Have Is Christ
                                                             13. We Hunger And Thirst
                                                               14. Lift High The Cross
                                                                     15. As You Go