Colossians 3:16

Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God - Colossians 3:16

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Initial Review of Risen: So far, so good

As I mentioned before, Sovereign Grace just released a new album entitled Risen. As the title indicates, it is a CD proclaiming that Christ has conquered the grave, which is relevant ALWAYS, but especially with Easter coming up in a couple of weeks. You can check out the album here. And, it is still just $5 if you download a digital copy until April 15. Another cool bonus feature for you Iphone/Ipod users. It displays the lyrics to each song as it plays. So you can do a little karaoke, just not while you're driving.

My favorite song on the album music-wise is "You Have Been Raised" (track 3). This song asks the simple, yet all-important question: How can we know that we are saved? How do we know for sure that our sins are forgiven, that we are accepted by God? The chorus answers that in this way:

You have been raised, the tomb has been opened
Nothing can take away our hope in You
You have been raised.
You have been raised, the work is completed
Hell and its powers have been defeated
You have been raised.

The bridge adds:

The price You paid for us has fully been accepted
Because of Your shed blood we cannot be rejected

Beautiful stuff. Check out the album if you haven't yet. Each song is filled with lyrics that will encourage any believer with the freedom from sin, the newness of life in Christ, the victory we have in Christ, the hope of heaven, amongst other things. And if you're so inclined, get a copy.

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