Colossians 3:16

Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God - Colossians 3:16

Monday, March 28, 2011

Why we sing of Christ

I think CJ sums it up much more eloquently than I ever could.

While I think it's good to sing songs of God's character (since it is from his character that he acts...and it is from his character of holiness, justice, mercy, compassion, grace and love that he sent Christ), we should never stray too far from the cross. Ever. I love what CJ says about how we are in constant need of the mediator, Jesus Christ. I think (A)as we grow in our understanding of our utter need for Christ, we'll (B)subsequently grow in our love for and gratefulness for Christ. This will (C)subsequently cause us to savor him all the more. It's your basic transitive property. If "A" then "B". And if "B" then "C". Therefore, if "A" then "C".

Anyways, if you were wondering why we sing of the "Glories of Calvary" or the "Wonderful Cross", or we "Glory in our Redeemer," it's because Christ is central to who we are is Christians. He is our identity. We exist by, through and for him. Echoing what CJ said about how heaven is fixated on Christ and the cross, we will be singing of how worthy and amazing Christ is for all eternity. So let's warm up those vocal cords, eh?

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