Colossians 3:16

Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God - Colossians 3:16

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Win a free copy of John Macarthur's new book: Slave

I know this book doesn't deal specifically with praise music, but it deals with our Christian life, so it's obviously crucial.

Review from Amazon:

Throughout the Bible, followers of Jesus are commanded to submit to Him as their King. They are told to obey and follow, faithfully and without hesitation. Every time Christians utter the word Lord, they make a subtle yet profound declaration-that God is their Master and that they belong to Him. In fact, the Bible describes believers as His slaves. They have been bought with a price and now live for Christ as a people for His own possession.

But go into most churches today, even flip through most Bible translations, and you won't see or hear the word slave anywhere. That's because it has been lost in translation. In this gripping book, Dr. John MacArthur uses deep Bible teaching and historical evaluation to expertly uncover the one forgotten word that restores the Bible's definition of true Christian freedom.

What does it mean to be a Christian the way Jesus defined it? MacArthur says it all boils down to one word: Slave. "We have been bought with a price. We belong to Christ. We are His own possession."

Well, I wanted to add a random generator so that I could select the winner by random (like Tim Challies), but...umm...I didn't know how. So here's what I'll do. Just leave a comment with your favorite Christian music artist/group by Friday night, and I'll put those names on pieces of paper and select one from a hat. Or a bowl. Or something. So leave a comment and enter to win!


  1. Would the fact that GTY never delivered my free copy of Slave gain me sympathy points? :-P

    Anyway, my favorite Christian artist/group used to be Grammatrain, until Pete Stewart revealed that he was actually an unbeliever. Now I listen to their old stuff with a certain skepticism...

    Right now my favorite has to be Lecrae! It's great to finally have Christian hip hop that's actually high-quality in theology, lyrics, *and* production.

  2. hahah...well, so far you're the only one entered, so you may get it :)

    yea, i'm really liking Lecrae too. Did you see his interview in Christianity Today?
    I liked what he said about his entourage...

  3. that's a hard one...i have many favorite christian groups/artists. haha. but for now, i'll say shane and shane.

    their harmonies are crazy and tight. they sound even better live. i've been to a few of their concerts. hopefully they can come to berkeley. haha.

    not only do they sound great as musicians, but their lyrics are biblical and deep.

  4. I didn't get my copy either Daniel. My Favorite is Selah. Their hymns album is sweet. God bless!

  5. caleb -- you've been to a few of their concerts?! i wanna go! hahahaha

    my favorite would have to be our very own EBCB's Sunday PT... you know, that reeeechard guy is BOMBDIGGGGITY! hahahahaha i better win this now. ;)

    hahaha i really like sov. grace, shane & shane, like the few enfield songs i've heard... yep yep.

  6. Jars of Clay, hands down.

    Richard #1, are you planning on becoming famous like Bob Kauflin?

  7. Caleb - definitely like Shane and Shane...mad skills...passionate...Word-centered

    James - talented for sure...I have that CD and enjoy it very much

    Ed - no schmoozing points :) - you should listen to more of Enfield's stuff...especially their first CD

    Richard #4 - not even close. JOC old school baby

  8. Shane and Shane or Jimmy Needham :)


  9. i dont listen to that much christian music, but i like selah as well.

    Richard, you can put people's names into excel, and then in another excel column put this as a formula:
    replace 5 with the number of people. that will give you a random number between 1 and the number of people. just choose the person in that row #.
